Friday, May 9, 2008

Settled In

Well we are pretty much settled in to our new home. Most of the unpacking is done (hard to believe)! We still have painting and decorating to do, stuff to buy and the toy room and my craft room still need to be unpacked. But for the most part we are able to live comfortably and just plug away at the rest. I'm so glad the move is over. It was so stressful. The girls are adjusting VERY well. There have been no issues with them and the dog absolutely loves it here. I am so happy that we can finally let Martina out in the back yard and not worry about her now that we have the fenced yard.

Avery is getting so big so fast. She is now mobile!! She is rolling and twisting her way around the room. She really wants to keep up to Martina! Martina was stationary until about 7 months but not Avery. She is going to be one busy little girl.

Well I only had time for a wuick update! I'll post more pics soon!